Take a 360 degree look at some of mouldCAM’s renewable energy projects...pioneering new manufacturing solutions for larger span, more efficient, and more sustainable wind turbine blades and power generation systems.

OPENHYRDRO Marine Tidal Turbines

OPENHYDRO The male patterns and molds for OpenHydro Technologies’ new test bed tidal turbine were cut from a 3D CAD design which allowed all assembly and fixing positions to be marked onto the completed parts with a high degree of accuracy.

“The pattern and direct CNC mould that mouldCAM produced for our Open Centre Tidal Turbine was delivered competitively and on schedule, and machined to tight tolerances and high quality surface finish requirements that met our demanding standards. The fixings and geometry allowed for simple, cost effective assembly of the finished turbine components.”
- David Robinson, Procurement Manager, OpenHydro

Atlantis Resource Corporation,  tidal energy turbine ORPC TIDEGEN, RIVGEN tidal turbines Seaforth Energy, AOC wind turbine blade TPI, wind turbine blade manufacturer VESTAS wind turbine blades